Ideas, insights, and inspiration from the
Authentic Education Team

UbD Gardening
Developing nature-based curricula through the UbD framework takes outdoor learning from an exciting bonus to a meaningful practice.
Resolutions provide a perfect model to bring reflection into the classroom through the backwards-planning framework of Understanding by Design (UbD).
Materials, resources, tools & training providing effective, research-based instruction to develop all aspects of literacy for many kinds of students.
Unpacking world language standards into what we want our students to KNOW (knowledge) and be able to DO (skills) narrows our focus.
A blog series exploring how AI chatbots are reshaping learning and what we can do about […]
Before I started planning math units using the Understanding by Design framework, I frequently found myself […]
As readers may know, a new book is getting a lot of national press these days: How […]
It being the fall, my thoughts have turned to soccer – a topic near and dear […]
Arguably one of the more difficult aspects in teaching for understanding is to decide when to […]
As summer vacation winds down for teachers it is perhaps a good idea to spend a […]