Our Clients
Authentic Education works across the United States and throughout the world at every level of education. Below, you’ll find a sampling of our clients and projects.

Extended Projects

AE worked with St Tammany Parish Public Schools to development a K-12 “guaranteed curriculum”

We worked with Edmonton Public Schools to provide UbD™ training, Train-the-Trainer workshops, and teacher coaching

AE worked with Bozeman public schools to develop extensive curriculum design in math and science

Our work with the Chadwick School included monthly web seminars with school leaders

AE delivered multi-year workshops, trainings, and coaching sessions at San Francisco’s Katherine Delmar Burke School

We provided ongoing UbD™ training and teacher coaching at Tewksbury Public Schools

Our work with Harrison Schools included long-term training in Understanding by Design® and peer review

AE provided extensive training of teachers and trainers in UbD® at Bell Multicultural High Schoo in Washington, DC
Work with Public Schools and District

AE worked with Parkway School District on curriculum design in social studies

AE facilitated Scarsdale School’s committee to review the use of school time

AE worked with Haddon to design a workshop to help distinguish quality assessment from test prep

AE facilitated a two-day introduction to UbD® workshop at Crossroads

AE gave a keynote address at at Scarsdale’s administrators’ strategic retreat

AE partnered with Fort Lee schools to lead a structured discussion on pedagogy and curriculum design

AE led a UbD® workshop for arts educators and artists-in-the-schools in NYC public schools

AE led a performance-based assessment for elementary educators at Kennesaw Schools

AE, in partnership with Jay McTighe, created a Leading by Design workshop for King of Prussia educators

AE led an Introduction to Understanding by Design® for teachers in Raymond, MS