Jenice View
Authentic Education Consultant
Jenice L. View is an Associate Professor Emerita of Education at George Mason University where her work included the critical teaching and learning of history, critical pedagogy in teacher professional development, and uses of arts integration. Her 15-year academic career followed a nearly 20-year career in the non-governmental sector at the local, national and international levels, and a stint as a DC middle school humanities teacher. She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, scholarly books, and popular outlets. She has received over $3 million in research grants, for which she served as the principal investigator on most projects. In 2020, she won the George Mason University Faculty Excellence in Social Impact Earle C. Williams Presidential Medal. Dr. View holds degrees from Syracuse University, Princeton University, and the Union Institute and University. A Washington, DC native, she is also a proud product of DC Public Schools.
Her ongoing action research project “Learning Historic Places with Diverse Populations,” explores how place-based learning and history education can help students of color reclaim their connection with historic sites. It has included assessments of how National Park Service sites can enhance its connections with P12 classroom teachers and students. Her curriculum design and teacher professional development work in Mississippi to teach the civil rights movement has impacted teachers and students statewide and in 14 school districts in particular. As creator and host of “Urban Education: Issues and Solutions,” an award-winning 30-minute GMU-TV cable television program, she produced 29 shows on a variety of education topics.
Among her scholarly work is the book Why public schools? Voices from the United States and Canada (2013; Information Age Press), and the award-winning book Putting the movement back into civil rights teaching: A resource guide for classrooms and communities (2004/2020; Teaching for Change; Poverty and Race Resource Council). The book Teaching the New Deal, 1932 to 1941 (2020; Peter Lang) offers classroom teachers a multicultural examination of this period with lessons and other resources. The book Antiracist Professional Development for In-Service Teachers (2020; IGI Global) offers research- and experiential-based proposals for improving school- and classroom-based educational equity.