As Dave Barry used to say, “alert readers will have noticed” that I have been MIA in my blog. I had a good excuse: my last week of work in Paris at ASP and 3 straight weeks of Summer Institutes. I finally have some down time, so before I head to the back porch with a G & T, let me make a few observations:
1. Greatest topic of interest in Summer Institutes. By far the most interest in three different Institutes this past summer was on the topic of feedback – feedback to teachers as well as feedback to students. The interest was so high I made an on-the-fly adjustment to our UbD & Common Core workshop to address the issues one morning, using videotape and exercises. While I have not written a book on feedback, I have written extensively about it over the past 30 years. Here in my blog I addressed it here, here, and here. I plan to write a short-form book on it this coming year.
2. Hattie’s work. Speaking of feedback, my blog entry on John Hattie’s meta-analysis of what works in education is far and away the most popular entry on this site. Every single day it gets hits numbering in the hundreds – even though the entry was written a few years back. The second most popular blog entries: the student surveys.
Notice a trend?
3. Best educational book I have read in the past few months? What Readers Really Do: Teaching the Process of Meaning Making, by Dorothy Barnhouse and Vicki Vinton. The authors do a fabulous job of giving practical and thoughtful advice about developing close reading abilities in students – without pain and suffering! – and getting beyond the kinds of problems with the “reading strategies” that I have written about before.
4. Most depressing realization from the Summer Institutes and recent workshops? There are STILL only a too-small number of educators who have read the Common Core Standards from top to bottom, including the crucial Appendices in the ELA Standards. So, a number of people are STILL not aware, for example, of the difference between argument and persuasion – though it is crucial to understanding the Standards; or how to parse the word “understand” in the Math Standards. (I plan to blog on these two issues soon).
True story: I asked the electrician working on our house renovation two years ago how come he knew the building code so well. Psh, he said EVERYONE knows the Code – you have to for re-certification (not just to pass Inspection) every few years.
How sad it is that so few educators really seem to have closely read and understood the implications of the Common Core ‘code’ and what it demands – especially in assessment. It is especially important to get people out of just looking at grade-level standards (which are more or less arbitrary in terms of year-to-year distinctions in ELA). My advice to all SI participants? Design backward from the Anchor Standards, not the grade-level standards. It makes no sense, for example, to merely demand “opinions” from 5th graders instead of arguments that consider all the possible evidence. Backward Design from the highest level standards is critical for meeting the eventual exit standards!



6 Responses

  1. I found the electrician comment eye opening. Then my husband said “if your ability to earn a living were dependent on know the code, you’d know very well.” Hmm.

  2. Thank you for your book recommendation, “What readers really do…” I have ordered a copy, as I have been so interested in “strategy” teaching since your blog discussions last year. Too often teachers view so called “strategies” as the end game. However your insights have indeed helped us formulate new ideas about the complex process of “reading”, and what really matters.
    As to your last comment about backwards design, in Alberta, Canada, we emphasize reading the “front matter” of our curriculum guides to find/formulate the transfer goals. We too get hung up on “Specific Outcomes” at individual grade levels, not really knowing the real meaning of why students need to learn these.
    Enjoy another G&T!

  3. I am a mathematics teacher but I also help train teachers in the summer. When you said, “there are STILL only a too-small number of educators who have read the Common Core Standards from top to bottom”, I completely identified. I couldn’t believe I was looking at educators who are supposed to use these standards in the upcoming year but had never looked at them personally. However, your next blog post sheds light on the lack of reading the standards. Why read the standards if you are just marching through the textbook?
    I was also shocked when states started to repeal the standards. My own state has repealed and has us using standards from 2010 until new ones are created that are better than the common core because they will be made by our educators. The reasoning for not using common core standards are really interesting. Here is one I found the most interesting: It came from a person who I was tweeting with in June. The person listed this site as their best explanation of why our state should not adopt common core. With so many things floating around as to why we should not use the common core standards, why would educators take time to read them.

    • You raise many good points. The politics surrounding the Standards probably have led people to not attend carefully to them. Perhaps once the dust settles…? But even then I am not optimistic. I have done many workshops where state standards have been in force for years – same problem. Sigh.

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