In the previous literacy posts in this series I identified a few guiding questions that stem from the research:

  1. Do students understand the real point of academic reading?
  2. Do students understand that the aim of instruction is transfer of learning?
  3. Am I using the right texts for making clear the value of strategies?
  4. Do students understand the difference between self-monitoring understanding and knowing what they might do when understanding does not occur?
  5. Am I attending to the fewest, most powerful comprehension strategies for academic literacy?
  6. Am I helping them build a flexible repertoire instead of teaching strategies in isolation?
  7. Do students have sufficient general understanding of the strategies (which is key to transfer)?
  8. Am I doing enough ongoing formal assessment of student comprehension, strategy use, and tolerance of ambiguity?

In this post we consider question #3, on the appropriate texts to use to develop text comprehension.
The problems – in the results and in guidance to teachers. I began this series by reminding readers that NAEP results show flat scores and far too weak results on text comprehension over 30 years, in middle and high school. (The gains have come in lower grades in terms of basic decoding and literal reading). Questions on “main idea” and “author purpose” on state tests also reveal this problem over a long time frame, as I noted in looking at some past test questions and item analysis.
Sitting in on numerous classes over the years reveals a key source of the problem: students are rarely expected to read a multi-page complete non-fiction text and be assessed on their grasp of it as a whole. Rather, most large-group instruction or reader-workshop mini-lessons involve small bits of text, typically no more than a few paragraphs. How can you possibly develop comprehension ability of a text this way?
Such bits of learning can lead to absurd lessons. A well-known and highly-regarded Toolkit – even by me – offers this teacher-script for the lesson on how to distinguish importance:

“To make it easier to sort through all the facts we are learning, let’s look at this three-column form. There are columns for Important Information, Interesting Details, and, of course, My Thinking. In the first column we’ll record the important things we want to remember about the topic. But sometimes it’s those interesting details that really engage us. We can add some of those in the second column…”

This makes no sense at all. How can you judge importance without grasping the purpose? Nowhere is the criterion of “important to remember” discussed or clarified. Yet, surely, to understand a text and to therefore judge what is “important information” you have to know the author’s purpose and the main ideas of a text. You simply cannot identify what is “important” vs. “merely interesting” by reading a brief excerpt and where “importance” is judged by the reader’s response merely. This leads them to leave the text, in fact: “things we want to remember.” But what if that was not at all what the author was trying to say?
Worse, this is a deficient categorization: a detail could be both interesting and important. In fact, students in the provided transcript get hung up on this point in a few cases! Finally, how would any reader judge what is “important to remember” without asking the question: “Important to remember for what purpose?” (Another serious deficiency in the advice to teachers is that the overview of the lesson talks about learning to find important ideas, but that gets turned into important information in the text of the lesson – as the excerpt, above, shows. This confusion about facts vs ideas is rampant in many reading lessons I have witnessed.)
In other words, when you read only a brief excerpt from a text, there is no practical difference between important vs. supporting information, between summary and message. Thus, the vital distinctions between topic, main idea, and summary get blurred. I have watched students get completely confused about these concepts because the brief resources and lessons easily led to muddled thinking. Indeed, I have heard more than a few teachers equate main idea and summary at different points in their teaching.
A counter-intuitive choice of texts is needed. Thus, we need to do something unobvious in our reading choices: we must choose complete fiction and non-fiction texts that can be easily read and grasped literally by all students, so that summarizing is easy; yet, be texts in which the main ideas are not obvious. Otherwise, there is little use for true comprehension, specific strategies, or distinctions between ideas and information. (Most blog readers who took the Kant test in Post #1 experienced this tension at their own reading level.)
If I were teaching 7th grade ELA, therefore, I would begin my year with Aesop’s Fables. The whole point of each Fable is an explicit “moral of the story” – a general life lesson stated at the end of the tale. We would start by reading one or two in which the moral is provided and modeling of analysis, then students would be asked to generate the moral of a few stories on their own, in a gradual release way. The text is easy; the inferring is challenging. You could also use very easy readings from much earlier grades, including fairy tales and short non-fiction books – with the added virtue that struggling readers would start off on the right foot since the texts and discussions would be accessible.
Another recurring “text” would be New Yorker and editorial cartoons, and familiar but rich song lyrics to help students understand that the text’s message may nowhere be stated explicitly – that even in very short texts inference is essential. (As I have written before, calling “inference” a strategy is categorically wrong: reading for meaning is all about inference.) I would also have them read a few satires, such as The REAL Story of the 3 Little Pigs? by A. Wolf. Satire has the virtue of painting a sharp contrast between topic, summary, and the author’s point. All of these early moves would build clarity of goal – understand by making meaning of the whole and see how the parts support the whole – and confidence in all readers.
Further along in the year, there would be paired non-fiction and fiction readings in which the topic was the same but each author’s point was different. Students would be asked to compare and contrast regularly. Essential questions would frame cross-text debate and regular Socratic Seminars. (In the ASCD DVD on Essential Questions, you can see me leading a seminar with high-schoolers using readings and activities linked by the EQ: Who Sees? Who is Blind?)
One of my favorite moves in terms of matched non-fiction readings was to have students read selections from the history textbooks of other countries. Here is a selection from one on the Revolutionary era:

What then were the causes of the American Revolution? It used to be argued that the Revolution was caused by the tyranny of the British government in the years following the Seven Years War. This view is no longer acceptable. Historians now recognize that the British colonies were the freest in the world…

The French menace was removed after 1763 and the colonies no longer felt dependent on England’s aid. This did not mean that they wished for independence. The great majority of the colonists were loyal, even after the Stamp Act. They were proud of the Empire and its liberties…In the years following the Stamp Act a small minority of radicals began to work for independence. They watched for every opportunity of stirring up trouble….The radicals immediately seized the opportunity of making a crisis and in Boston it was this group who staged the Boston Tea Party…. In the Thirteen Colonies the Revolution had really been a civil war in which the whole population was torn with conflicting loyalties. John Adams later said that in 1776 probably not more than one-third of the people favored war.

Where is this from? A Canadian textbook! Pair it with the relevant section from the students’ History textbook in 8th grade, and you have a recipe for engaged reading for meaning – indeed, further research. (I have done similar things in science by having students read Ptolemy’s proof that the earth is stationary and at the center of the universe.)
It is vital, therefore, to assess progress in understanding the whole of a text. I would ask students each week to title an article read (in which I had removed or covered the actual title) and justify the choice of title. I would supplement this activity with similar titling questions from released state and national tests (since such items are often used to test for understanding of main idea/author purpose). And there would be a regular cold read and short-answer test on the main idea of a non-fiction article. (None of these need be deemed formal grades until second semester).
Students would thus need to be taught and constantly practice a rudimentary logic: What’s the conclusion, the point? How do you infer this? How did the author take us there, i.e. what are the key pieces in the argument that supposedly support the conclusion? Without understanding rudimentary logic it is almost impossible to understand the difference between “important” and “unimportant” parts of a text; and it is almost impossible to read beyond a word to word approach, which research shows undercuts understanding. Nor is it possible to meet the argument-related standards at the heart of the ELA Common Core standards.
Texts designed to elicit comprehension monitoring and appropriate strategies from a repertoire. Once students understood fully that their job is to think about what they read so that they understand the “logic” of a whole text, I would present students with texts that demand care in thinking as they read where the message is obscured.
Some obvious secondary-level text candidates include: Motel of the Mysteries, the mythic anthropological study of the “Nacirema” tribe, editorials and op-ed essays with unusual views on controversial topics. Poems are obvious candidates; so are puzzling allegories like The Lottery, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, and the math story Flatland – all highly thought-provoking readings, though relatively easy to grasp at a surface level. But we need many more good examples of nonfiction than we have at present, in which the goal is not to learn information but ponder important ideas and arguments. Otherwise, there is far too little need to invoke any strategies.
As for reading strategies, I would use a very small set, as noted in the key research mentioned in previous posts. In addition to heavy attention to metacognitive self-monitoring (to be discussed in a later post), I would highlight questioning, summarizing, and outlining the logic.
In short, we worry too much about Lexile scores and “grade-level texts” and not enough about designing backward from our goal of text comprehension via intellectually challenging whole readings that elicit thought and thus a need for strategies. Yes, I know what the Standards say about text difficulty; that’s a goal. But I am quite confident that – paradoxically – we would be more likely to meet grade-level standards in the end, by starting off with easier below-grade-level complete texts worthy of reading and thinking about. Otherwise, we quickly overwhelm and lose struggling readers with too-difficult text and a grab-bag of too many strategies.
I welcome suggestions from readers about non-fiction complete texts that have worked for them, in helping students to become better comprehenders via close-reading strategies.
Four books written for teachers stand out for me as helpful resources in this challenge: Notice and Note by Beers and Probst; Teaching Argument Writing by Hillocks, Deeper Reading by Kelly Gallagher, and the previously mentioned Questioning the Author by Beck et al. These books, written for secondary level teachers, are chock full of sensible advice and helpful tools for readers to use.
But by far the best book for learning to read intellectually challenging books is a classic: How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler and Charles van Doren, as I mentioned in my post on close reading. This book transformed me as a college student from a lazy to an active and more careful reader, and many of my students have told me that this book was a life-saver for them as well when they went to college.
PS: To easily find any of the posts in this series, I made a page of all the links. You can see that page listed near the top of the sidebar.



15 Responses

  1. i agree completely with the need to identify author’s purpose and the need to read longer texts. However, to characterize the parsing of information as interesting vs. important “absurd” is misguided. If author’s purpose guides the reader, then it may serve as a filter for what the reader attends to. Example: An author writes a book entitled From Tadpole to Frog. It is clear the author’s intention is to teach the reader about the life cycle of the frog. When the reader encounters an “interesting” detail that tadpoles are camophalged because they look like leaves in the water, he/she shouldn’t give the same attention to that bit of information as the stages identified in the text. After all, that is the author’s explicit purpose for writing. Readers must have some way to distinguish and sort as a reader. That is precisely why summarizing should not be taught as an end-of-reading task. Proficient readers summarize and synthesize as they read. A second concern inherent in this discussion is the balance we must continue to push for in the reader’s right to have a purpose, particularly in this era of close, text-dependent reading. Rosenblatt’s work reminds us that while the text must remain a constraint in our responses, the reader’s response has merit. Too often, the purpose for reading is determined for rather than by the reader.

    • I appreciate your point, but my criticism is slightly different. The distinction between important vs. interesting is KEY – but the Toolkit writers offer no meaningful criterion by which to do so. Further, if the reader gets to determine both what is important and interesting – without ever reading the whole piece – then, the text is being left behind; and the distinction then serves no useful comprehension point.
      The teaching in the Toolkit far too overweighs reader response, in my opinion.
      Keep in mind that I am writing this whole series for upper-grade teachers (MS and HS, and perhaps grades 4-5): failure to help the reader encounter the whole and judge INTERNAL importance in text will come back to haunt them in the upper grades. Nor am I saying: summarize at the end. I think ongoing summarizing was one of the key take-aways from the Reciprocal Teaching research. But summarizing is not at all the same as gauging importance – especially when meaning is hidden. And to reduce “importance” to the reader’s perspective and purpose is to lose sight of academic comprehension as an important goal.
      Agreed: school mostly sets reader purpose. But students are not served by ignoring that basic reality of academic preparation. It’s very disingenuous to suggest that readers can set a purpose when they are given an assigned reading, anyway. Let “establishing their own purpose” be a different lesson, on a different day, if needed.

      • PS, Judy: Look over Lesson 19 in the Toolkit – I really don’t think it works to do what kids need to do with nonfiction. I like the Toolkit; I recommend it. But I just don’t think Lessons 19 and 21 do justice to the topic.

  2. I agree with you that a reader must, in the end, evaluate those determinations at the end of reading a text, but doesn’t the reader need some criterion/criteria for what to “keep” in the ongoing summary/synthesis of the text? In a sense, the reader is continually using the author’s purpose as a constant to build the ongoing macro understanding of the author’s text and the ideas therein. P. David Pearson uses the metaphor of reader as builder. I particularly like the metaphor as it captures the active engagement that characterizes proficient readers. I believe we do have to offer readers some insights about what that building process looks like. I think testing information as important (essential) vs interesting (nice to know) against both author’s and reader’s’ purposes has some merit as one way to help readers who cannot hold on to every fact and derail in a text. The context in which the reading is occurring is also key…another critical dimension.

    • I, too, like the metaphor of reader as builder. I, too, want the reader to have a guidepost as they build a coherent and whole understanding. One reason I recommended Notice and Note is that I think their “signposts” do just the right thing in focusing the reader on the text instead of veering off on strategy-skill training or tangential reader response. I am proposing the logical outline of argument as an equivalent to their signposts for non-fiction (but i think we need more). This worked wonders for me, in both reading and writing as a teacher: Make kids highlight in yellow the topic sentence, quickly see the total flow of the logic, and see how supporting evidence and argument is subordinate to the total argument. That, then, transfers to their own writing in which I made them do the same thing on their own first drafts.
      But I have to disagree with you on reader vs, author purpose. The touchstone of their building is not their own ideas; the touchstone is the coherence of the narrative/logic in the text. Why confuse them? Why not just save that for the third column in the 3-column chart (My Thinking)?
      It’s not like kids can’t or won’t do this. They suspend disbelief, criticism, tangential responses as they watch a documentary or play an intricate story-based video game, or follow the logic of a detective story. All I’m saying is that if we want to improve kids’ reading of non-fiction and those results re: main idea we cannot veer away from the text as often as many teachers praise when Johnny says this reminds him of his trip to the beach. I think Beers, Vinton, and Brown & Palinscar are also all very clear that this is important.
      This probably warrants its own post! I seem to be making this more and more extensive a project!
      Thanks for the good dialogue!!

      • Trying to reconstruct this . . . my previous reply is lost in cyberspace.
        Kylene and Bob have added much to the way we teach and model the comprehension process! (Kylene is a dear Houston friend and colleague of many years.) You have uncovered yet another dimension that merits attention: helping readers notice and use text structure. Texts aren’t always coherent–even when the author has important ideas to impart. Vacca and Vacca referred to some texts as inconsiderate. See Braddock’s research for more on paragraphing. So the real question is how do we help students read all kinds of texts, for all kinds of purposes with clarity? Our role must be one of model, then coach, then troubleshooter as the reader moves to greater and greater proficiency–never fully “mastery” as texts and the inferences a reader must make grow more and more sophisticated.
        I thank you for your series of posts and look forward to the reading research community’s continued help in untangling the complexities facing both the reader and the teacher of the reader!

        • Love that idea – inconsiderate text. The Kant text is DEFINITELY inconsiderate!! (He acknowledged as much because he thought he was dying and deliberately didn’t add helpful examples to the Critique, he noted in his letters). And I like the whole similar premise in Questioning the Author in which we do not assume the author has been clear for us. I’ll check out the research you cite, also. Thanks so much for taking the time to share!

  3. this installment is directed toward HS., But he does address reading/history.
    It affirmed, for me, my reading selection choices through the years. His hunch is that if students need accessible texts to practice the fluid thinking etc.
    “* But I am quite confident that – paradoxically – we would be more likely to meet grade-level standards in the end, by starting off with easier below-grade-level complete texts worthy of reading and thinking about”.* “Worthy of thinking about!” is the ticket! Seedfolks is worth thinking about!

  4. Thank you so much for this series of posts! I reread them all nearly every day. As a reading teacher at the high school level, the transfer issue is something that has continually bothered me–and something I have struggled with. I have been encouraging my colleagues to read your blog.

    • Lisa, thanks for the kind words – really appreciated. I didn’t start out to go so long and deep on this issue, so now that I am neck-high in it I need the positive reinforcement! I’d be really interested in any conversation and/or actions it leads to.

  5. Dear Grant,
    What a fantastic post. So grateful for all you have shared in this series. I am finally in a position to express my views.
    I plan on sharing a series of answers by sixth graders in their own words about “How do you know when you understand what you have read?” over at my new site (still in building stages due to sorting the kinks to be COPPA compliant ) for educators which will also have a forum for students to share their views about what is going on, first hand.
    Thank you for this! Since it is EXACTLY how I proceeded for two years without any support. The scores, without ever teaching to the test, were off the charts, and all I ever focused on was reader responses that allowed students to track their thinking about their readings.

  6. I have been enjoying your provocative and worth-pondering posts. I enjoy contemplating them through conversations with myself as well as others!
    In this post, what I found most interesting is that much of what you suggest is what I did as a primary grade teacher. When teaching first grade, I often created short passages such as the one below to encourage my students to inference the “main idea” by having them determine the best title for the passage:
    Billy is excited. He puts on a new shirt, pair of pants, and shoes that his grandmother bought for him. He runs into the kitchen and sees his favorite sandwiches stacked on a tray. Next to it he sees his favorite drink, lemonade, in a tall pitcher. His mother is decorating a cake. His friends will be arriving soon with presents.
    In this passage, the fact that Bill is excited is explicit in the text while the reason for his excitement is not, which causes ~6-year-old minds to have to truly work at figuring out the parts of the whole. (Grant: “All of these early moves would build clarity of goal – understand by making meaning of the whole and see how the parts support the whole – and confidence in all readers.”)
    While the above passage may seem like a “no brainer” regarding an appropriate title, it could be a birthday party, but it could also be other celebratory events such as a Bar Mitzvah or receiving a black belt in Karate, which lends itself to another whole level of discussion regarding what we bring to reading as readers.
    My hope is that as students move through their (younger) academic years wherein they have myriad scaffolded (gradual-release) interactions with text, they will be ready by middle school to encounter deeper inferences and author’s purposes, and as you stated so well, experience:
    “…good examples of nonfiction…in which the goal is not to learn information but ponder important ideas and arguments. Otherwise, there is far too little need to invoke any strategies.”
    Thank you for the time it takes you to research, ponder, and write your posts. Looking forward to your continued series!

    • Thanks SO much for this response, Janet. It makes all the work worth it. I find your very concrete example spot on – it’s just the sort of practice in inferencing that has to get started from the git-go; backward design from inferential comprehension.
      variant: don’t say Billy is excited; imply it: “Billy runs quickly down the stairs…”

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